The bulldozing and desecration of Hawea Heiau in Maunalua (Hawai'i Kai) is a travesty.

Mahalo. Our kupuna are calling out to us for help.

I have heard them and this blog is given them a voice in this blog site - people can see and read what's going on and help Hawea.

Just a few things:

In discussion with kupuna and cultural experts they have shared a heiau is not just the temple that is sacred - the materials; rock walls, structures etc, - but it is the land itself that is sacred. This is why you'll find one heiau built over another through history, they are building on the sacred site. Parts of Hawea have been bulldozed but they can be rebuilt on the same land because the land is sacred, the land is the link between humans and the our Hawaiian gods.

When I wrote "A copy of this agreement was supposed to have been shared with the community before any work was done per information provided by the SHPD office. "

To be completely clear, a copy of the agreement was supposed to have been given to the community by the developer before any work was done per information provided by the SHPD office.

The bulldozing and desecration of Hawea Heiau in Maunalua (Hawai'i Kai) is a travesty. Our community is both sad and angry. Where is the respect for our wahi pana (sacred places) and our kupuna? How can we all come together to save the iwi and archeological features that call to us for help?


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

City of County of Honolulu is investigating multiple violations by the developer

The developer told the City inspector, "he didn't know he needed a permit."


Quick update on Hawea Heiau June 16, 2009.

City & County
The City of County of Honolulu is investigating multiple violations by the developer on the grounds of Hawea. As this investigation is going on, no work is allowed to take place at Hawea. Our community found out today via the City Inspector that the developer did not have a permit to do the work which has taken place. The developer told the City inspector, "he didn't know he needed a permit."

This is a temporary halt of work while the investigation is conducted. The developer can apply for needed permits after the investigation is completed.

However, this is good news for now.

DLNR is also investigating possible violations which have taken place at Hawea.

State Historic Preservation Dept. (SHPD)
Our community received the agreement between SHPD and the developer today, June 16, 2009. A copy of this agreement was supposed to have been shared with the community before any work was done per information provided by the SHPD office. This new agreement was dated May 11, 2009. The bulldozing at Hawea, with no permit, took place soon after this date.

Had our community members, cultural experts and archeologists been given this agreement to review, we would have asked for an immediate halt to the agreement.

Only a small portion of Hawea is protected in this current agreement. Protection is not given to numerous identified cultural sites at Hawea.

Due diligence and clear documentation must be conducted by ALL parties involved regarding Hawea Heiau immediately.

Please continue to email and call our government officials to ask them to stop the destruction of Hawea Heiau. Your voice is making a difference.

Will keep you updated.

Ann Marie

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